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link: Free Download Marvel Contet Of Champions Battle 4.0.2 MOD Apk Terbaru 2015
Berbagi Free Download Marvel Contet Of Champions Battle 4.0.2 MOD Apk Terbaru 2015 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Free Download Marvel Contet Of Champions Battle 4.0.2 MOD Apk Terbaru 2015 : Selamat malam dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, di malam yang cerah dan indah ini, saya masih akan berbagi sebuah game yang cukup handal untuk dimainkan.
Game ini merupakan game android battela arena, artinya game ini kita mainkan dengna cara mengendalikan tokoh-tokoh untuk bertarung diatas arena, dan yang kerennya lagi, para tokoh yang ada di game ini, adalah tokoh yang ada di serial komik ataupun film Marvel, wah.. keren kan?
Dimana kalo biasanya kita bisa menemukan game secmacam ini di PC, nah pada versi ini sudah hadir dengan versi Game Android, sudah pada pada tahap MOD.
Jadi buat temen-temen yang lagi bingung mau main game apa di smartphone, Marvel Contest Of Champions Battle ini bisa jadi solusi.
Walaupun Game ini berbasis Marvel, namun tidak semua tokoh ada pada permainan ini, namun tetap memperhatikan para tokoh yang memang sudah menjadi idola bagi para Marvel Lovers.
Nah siapa saja yang termasuk di dalam game ini, dan bisa temen-temen mainkan?
Diantaranya Captain America, Hulk, Veronica (Iron Man Robot Besar), dan juga ada tokoh yang baru-baru ini filmnya sudah dirilis di Bioskop, yaitu Antman, Makin keren kan? dan masih banyak lagi tokoh-tokoh Marvel yang super keren yang akan menemani temen-temen bermain Game Battle Arena ini. Dan untuk lebih jelas tentang game ini, silahkan baca ulasan saya berikut.
Marvels new contest of champions with almost all the Marvel Heroes and their special powers and skills. I have Spider-man on my team an are all controlled done in a very nice gesture-based happy so the way so if I swipe back on the screen I fly back like that a slight forward well I'll do applying kinda forward attact if I tap the right side of the screen are delihted text if I can get attack in he does a special both firing thing that's about it at the momment I've only completed the first series OHV. Levels its actually quite nice to play is quite intuitive it's very responsive it's very fas-paced as you can see which is nice. Marvel contest of champions MODApk Unlimited Everything money coins crystals unlocked characters. Batman Arkham lockdown and the Superman game that came out theree or gesture based but they just felt really slow and clunky versus feels very very sharp and ffast in the media and I'm playing this on Captain Americ aand see if he hands my out arrow thingy buttocksto me or not we shall see not sure when this actually goes live worldwide loves to keep you informed when it does but at the moment it is just I could not enough to actually fully upgrade him to the next level but fiar enough so I've given him some isolate goodness that's ground and right before we go let's have a look at some shop stuff Peter Parker's wallets as well as using crystals to upgrade like we just did you can also use cyrstals to get new characters these herocrystals rght here you can purchase individuallyn or that you can wait for them to unlock organically three hours and 40
minutes here and the daily crystal appears once every 24 hours so obviously is another way to spend lots of money if you want to pregress faster
What's In The MOD : Coperius
Hight Damage
Removed Cheat Detection
Install APK, place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/and play online. P.S- Always use new accoutn to test MOD so if you gen ban then there will be no loss of save data.
- Server 1 via Tusfiles
- Server 2 via Usercloude
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